Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Halloween and Holiday Fun!

Hello! Halloween is in two days and I've been so busy with school, I almost forgot about a costume! Luckily, my Mum is lovely and she helped me make it today, so now I'm ready. She even said she would take me trick-or-treating round our neighborhood! I'm going to be a cowboy, and my costume is fantastic. I bet I'll get even more candies than Geoffrey, who's father is rich and will probably buy him a smashing scary costume that costs loads of money.

I just love all the holidays, don't you? Once Halloween is over, the next one for me is Christmas. We don't celebrate Thanksgiving here in France, but I wish that we did- maybe Mum will let me celebrate now that I have so many American friends? I could invite all my friends and we could have a giant turkey and cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie with cream! If I could celebrate everyone's holidays I would, but I don't think Mum would like to throw that many parties- she says it makes her tired, but I think they are wonderful fun.

Oh! I nearly forgot! My brand new book is almost out- Nicholas in Trouble! This one's got a green cover and you can read about all the new adventures I've been having with my friends. I love the drawings you send, so if you send me more to, I'll be sure to let everyone see them here!

Happy Halloween!

Your friend,


Anonymous said...

Hello. I am new to the Nicholas Club, and I am looking forward to the stuff you are going to send me. ROCK ON NICHOLAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello, Nicholas. I am looking forward to your new book! I am new to the Nicholas Club, and I can't wait to get the stuff they are going to send me! ROCK ON NICHOLAS!
P.S Send my regards to Louise, please!

Nicholas said...

You ROCK too! Thanks for visiting my blog- I love hearing from my friends!

Nicholas said...

(and I will tell Louise you said hello!)